Double Ended Hammock Stuff Sack

June 20, 2017

 posted in:

In this tutorial article we will show you how to make your own Double Ended Hammock Stuff Sack. This is a great option for the storage of your hammock! It allows for easy set-up at the end of the day and fast take-down in the morning. This is an excellent project for beginners.

Double Ended Stuff Sack-0

Project Overview

Skill Level Estimated Time Estimated Cost
Beginner 30 Minutes $

Materials and Tools

Materials Needed: Tools Needed:
1 Yard Fabric (Xenon Sil 5300) Sewing Machine
4 Feet Zing It Scissors
2 Mini Cord Locks Ruler/Tape Measure
Marker or Chalk

Preparation Instructions

  1. Cut a rectangle out of the fabric that measures 18” tall and 20” wide.
  2. Cut two 20” lengths of Zing It and fuse the ends with a flame.

Sewing Instructions

**Seam allowances should be 1/4″ unless otherwise noted** Step 1: Roll hem the 20” long edges of the fabric together.

Step 2: Roll the edge of the bag back 1” stitch this towards the edge of the roll and leave about ¾” between the start and stop of this stitch to create a channel for the drawstring.


Step 3: Repeat step number 2 on the other end of the bag.

Step 4: Thread one piece of Zing It through each channel. The slip a cord lock over the two ends and tie them in an overhand knot.


Step 5: Enjoy your new gear!! Double Ended Hammock Stuff Sack

Related Stuff Sack DIY Projects



Reviewed By: Dutch (Thom Ressler) - Dutch started Dutchware after thru-hiking the entire 2,200-miles of the Appalachian Trail with a hammock. During his journey, Dutch learned that there wasn’t high-quality hammocking gear available on the market so he began to create his own.

He began manufacturing the Dutch Clip, which he invented to connect the webbing suspension around the tree. Next was the Chameleon Hammock which offers superior flexibility for hammockers. Today Dutchware sells over 1,000 outdoor gear products to provide backpackers with high-quality equipment that allows them to enjoy the outdoors with a minimalist approach.

Dutch is passionate about providing the hammocking community with the highest quality gear along with the highest quality information to ensure they have the best outdoor experience possible.

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