Is it Too Hot to Go Hammocking?

July 13, 2021

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Is It Too Hot to Go Hammocking?

Summer is approaching, which means you may be wondering how hot is too hot for hammocking and camping. The answer usually varies depending on the humidity, night temperature, and your activities for that day. Below, learn some hot-weather camping hacks to help yourself stay cool.

a hammock stand on a hot beach

How Hot Is Too Hot for Hammocking?

In general, the highest temperatures for comfortable hammocking are 95 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and low 80s during the night. However, the appropriate camping temperatures will depend on your environment.

One hundred degrees with no humidity is usually easier to tolerate than 95 degrees with 80% humidity. High humidity will make you feel uncomfortable and sweaty all day. Similarly, 90 degrees when you’re in direct sunlight all day is too hot, but 95 degrees when you are in the water with shade coverage is okay. Consider the total heat index and not just the air temperature, and think about what you’ll be doing.

The nighttime temperature is also important to look at. If it’s 95 during the day and much lower during the night, like around 60 degrees, you’re in great shape! If you’re too uncomfortable to sleep, you risk not enjoying your trip. Anything over 85 degrees as a low nighttime temperature will probably be too high to be comfortable.

What temperature is too hot for camping? If the heat index is above 105 degrees, it’s likely too dangerous to go hammocking. High temperatures and direct sunlight can lead to sunburn, dehydration, and heatstroke, so always put your safety first.

Making Hot-Weather Hammocking Comfortable

If you’ll be hammocking in hot weather, you need to make a few preparations to be more comfortable. When planning your trip, make sure there are areas with shade and water in case the temperatures get too high.

Wear light and breathable clothes that provide coverage. The appropriate clothing will help keep the sun, bugs, and brush from damaging your skin while ensuring you don’t get too hot. Moisture-wicking fabric will help you stay dry. You may also need a hat and eye protection.

If you can, bring a fan to use while you’re sleeping. A fan will help cool you down if the nighttime temperatures are not low enough. You will need airflow! If insects might bother you, use a netted hammock to get a cool breeze without the bug bites.

Pack plenty of water and electrolyte-providing food and drinks. Bring sunscreen, and don’t forget to apply it often. The same goes with bug spray. If you’re near water or anywhere with mosquitos, you’ll want to keep them away with a mosquito-repellent device.

4 Tips for Hiking & Camping in The Heat

1. Use Layers to Stay Covered

Resist the temptation to wear less clothing when you go hiking on hot days. Wearing multiple layers with as much coverage as possible has several benefits.

Consider how insulation uses air pockets to trap air and maintain a certain temperature. When you wear more layers, you have more air pockets to keep you cool. Wearing long sleeves and other full-coverage items protects your skin from UV rays and insects, including ticks.

Accessories like hats and sunglasses also prevent sun damage. Even advanced hikers may not realize the added strain you put on your eyes when you walk in peak sun hours. Over time, direct sun exposure can result in issues like cataracts and eye cancer, as well as damage to the sensitive skin around your eyes. Use protective eye equipment and apply sunscreen regularly to keep your skin safe throughout the day.

2. Replenish Water and Electrolytes

Hiking in the heat will make you sweat. As you do, your body loses water and electrolytes, both of which are crucial to maintaining energy levels. If you go on an easy hike on a hot day, you could lose up to one liter of sweat each hour. If you’re a more advanced hiker or you’re taking a more challenging route, you could lose up to two liters each hour.

Regardless of how much you drink, your body will only absorb about half a liter per hour, so you’ll experience dehydration even if you drink a sufficient amount of water. Minimize the effects of dehydration by taking frequent sips instead of larger gulps and always pack more water than you think you’ll need for your planned activity.

As your body loses important electrolytes like sodium and potassium, you’ll feel less capable of hiking those last few miles. Power through with small, salty snacks with complex carbs. Energy bars and trail mixes are two great snacks to pack on your next hike.

3. Be Conscious of Weather Forecasts and Changes

be sure to check the weather before your hike to determine how much weather protection you'll need

Always check the weather in the days and hours leading up to your hike. Weather near mountains, especially when it’s humid, can change without giving you time to get back to the trailhead. Thunderstorms often crop up without warning, especially in the afternoons.

Being informed about inclement weather is just one perk of staying updated. You can also see how the temperature will progress throughout the day and plan your hike around the hottest hours.

Plan to finish your hike before 11 a.m. or start after 3 p.m. to avoid the midday heat. Between reducing your risk of being caught in a storm and hiking during less extreme parts of the day, taking a break from hiking in the afternoon makes your excursion a safer, more enjoyable experience.

4. Buy Reliable Gear From DutchWare

One of the most important tips we can share with you is to buy reliable gear and pack it efficiently so you’re prepared for every hike. Whether you’re interested in upgrading your hiking essentials or looking for the perfect hammock camping setup, DutchWare offers high-quality products designed to make your outdoor experience better than ever before. We know our customers have different interests, and we want to empower you to pursue them.

Browse DutchWare Hammock Gear

Upgrade your hammocking essentials with lightweight, high-quality, innovative DutchWare gear. Our hammocks give you the best outdoor experience possible — browse our inventory and see for yourself! You’ll find many kinds of practical gear for hot weather, cold climates, and anything in between.

We design exclusive hammock camping gear and have everything you need to enjoy a great hammocking adventure. Contact us to learn more.



Reviewed By: Dutch (Thom Ressler) - Dutch started Dutchware after thru-hiking the entire 2,200-miles of the Appalachian Trail with a hammock. During his journey, Dutch learned that there wasn’t high-quality hammocking gear available on the market so he began to create his own.

He began manufacturing the Dutch Clip, which he invented to connect the webbing suspension around the tree. Next was the Chameleon Hammock which offers superior flexibility for hammockers. Today Dutchware sells over 1,000 outdoor gear products to provide backpackers with high-quality equipment that allows them to enjoy the outdoors with a minimalist approach.

Dutch is passionate about providing the hammocking community with the highest quality gear along with the highest quality information to ensure they have the best outdoor experience possible.

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