8 Tips for Eco-Friendly Camping

December 17, 2020

Tips for Eco-Friendly Camping

The more we cut down trees to construct new neighborhoods and buildings, the more sensitive our world becomes. Right now, preserved forests and wildlife need more care than ever before. One of the ways outdoor enthusiasts can help do their part is by practicing eco-friendly hammocking when on a camping trip. From using tree-friendly hammock straps to throwing trash away correctly, there are many steps you can take to leave no trace and keep the outdoor world pristine.

1. Use Tree-Friendly Straps

When you’re setting up your hammock, never screw or hammer into the trees. These actions damage the bark and create tears in the trunk that stop branches from receiving nutrients from the ground. Instead, leave no trace with hammock straps like our Spider Web Huggers, which protect trees from any damage your setup could cause. These camping hammock straps are made with durable webbing with a 1,500-pound breaking strength for exceptional security.

Ensure that the trees you choose are alive and have thick enough trunks to hold your hammock, as weak trees could cause harm to you and your companions. For huggers, wrap them around the tree tightly and connect them to your hammock. You’ll still be suspended in the air while keeping trees happy and healthy.

2. Find a Used Campsite

If you plan to eco-hammock at a national park or campground, the best campsite is one that previous campers have used. Many campers like to explore and find unique, hidden areas to call their own. However, to make the smallest environmental impact, consider setting up camp on a designated campsite. One benefit of used grounds is that there is less work for you to do.

Broken-in campsites are set on sturdy ground, well away from water sources. There’s a good chance that the site is free of fragile or poisonous plants too, though you should still scan the area for litter and poison ivy or poison oak. Since existing campsites are generally chosen by experienced nature lovers who have already accounted for these details, you likely won’t have to spend much time inspecting the area.

3. Leave Only Your Footprints Behind

One vital element of camping is cleaning up after yourself. When you’re about to go to bed or packing up to leave the campsite, leave no item behind. Plastic utensils and plates, soda cans, and food wrappers are common forms of litter left by campers. These items are harmful to the forests and dangerous for wildlife to ingest.

When you prepare for bed, ensure that you pack your items away securely. Seal leftover food in bear-proof containers, and zip up hygienic products in your backpack. These precautions protect you from attracting wildlife to your site.

4. Stop using disposable bags

Try making your own bags or investing in reusable ones. 

5. Use less food packaging

Buy fresh food that doesn’t come prepackaged and avoid things like aerosol cans and individually packaged items. You can also help the environment by purchasing boxes instead of bottles. 

6. Scale back on car use

Allotting a specific day a week to go car-less goes a long way toward helping the environment. Most big cities have bicycle sharing programs for individuals who aren’t owners. 

7. Say goodbye to water bottles

Each year, millions of barrels of oil are used to produce disposable water bottlesTry investing in a BPA-free water bottle — or any water bottle, for that matter — and carry it with you throughout the day. 

8. Quit using plastic straws

Scientists are scrambling to find solutions to the more than 9.1 billion tons of plastic our species has created. One realistic action we can all take today is to ditch plastic straws. Because of their size and shape, they’re impossible to recycle. 

Trust DutchWare for Camping Gear You Can Rely On

We all have a duty to our forests and national parks. When you and your loved ones decide to indulge in an outdoor escape, be sure to practice healthy habits during the trip.

If you’re looking for camping gear to make the most of your time in nature, DutchWare has reliable products that ship quickly for your convenience. From camping hammocks and tree straps to cooking gear and backpacks, we have you covered for every trip you take.

Have questions? Fill out a contact form on our website to get in touch! Learn more about our sustainable practices here.



Reviewed By: Dutch (Thom Ressler) - Dutch started Dutchware after thru-hiking the entire 2,200-miles of the Appalachian Trail with a hammock. During his journey, Dutch learned that there wasn’t high-quality hammocking gear available on the market so he began to create his own.

He began manufacturing the Dutch Clip, which he invented to connect the webbing suspension around the tree. Next was the Chameleon Hammock which offers superior flexibility for hammockers. Today Dutchware sells over 1,000 outdoor gear products to provide backpackers with high-quality equipment that allows them to enjoy the outdoors with a minimalist approach.

Dutch is passionate about providing the hammocking community with the highest quality gear along with the highest quality information to ensure they have the best outdoor experience possible.

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