Poles for Hammocks, Tarps and Tents

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$1 — $19

Start bridging the gap with our DutchWare poles! Our U.S. manufactured poles are ideal for making your own bridge hammock spreader bars or tarp poles for your next outdoor hang.

DIY Tarp Poles

Our DIY tarp poles are popular among campers and backpackers of all experience levels.

If you’re interested in making tarp pole mods for tarps, you’ll want to check out our .344 and .275 diameter poles. We offer our tarp poles in lengths of 13 inches, with a 1.5-inch pole tip for a shock cord that connects and holds your tarp pole mod together.

Typical assemblies for pole mods on tarps are around 52 inches and include the following hardware:

  • Three .275 or .344 male poles.
  • One .275 or .344 female pole.
  • Five feet of 3/32 shock cord.
  • Two .275 or .344 pole tips.

Our .344 and .275 pole tips for tarp pole mods only weigh 3.17 and 2.4 grams, respectively. We’ve designed and produced these pole tips with durable, high-quality materials so your DIY tarp poles last without needing constant replacing. They’re also easy to insert into your poles and have a snug fit.

Hammock Gear Poles

Make spreader bars for your bridge hammock easy with our hammock gear poles. Our .748 and .665 diameter aluminum spreader poles work without Ti-Bridge Hammock Ends. They’re also available with or without tips, so you only purchase what you need and want. Our female pole is available with tips on both ends.

We offer our spreader poles for hammock gear in 18- and 25-inch lengths. If you’re just starting out in making spreader bars, you’ll likely need one male and one female pole for each side of your hammock.

Our Hammock Gear and Tarp Poles Guarantee

Our founder, Dutch, designs and builds DutchWare hammock gear and tarp poles from his experience hammocking and backpacking across the Appalachian Trail.

We understand the importance of having hardware that’s reliable and durable, which is why our DIY tarp poles and poles for spreader bars use high-quality materials. They’re also manufactured by local reliable and quality-driven manufacturers in the U.S.

Our confidence in the quality and performance of our tarp poles is why we offer a guarantee against all manufacturer defects. We also provide a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. So, if you aren’t satisfied or realize you needed the .275 tarp poles instead of the .344 ones, we’re happy to accept your return or exchange with fast shipping and personal service.

Learn more about our DIY tarp poles and spreader bars below or contact us for any questions or more information.