Plastic Hardware
Plastic Hardware for Outdoor Gear
When you set off on your outdoor adventure, you’ll have a lot of gear hitching a ride on your back. Having the proper equipment is vital to the success and comfortability of your trip, whether you’re tent or hammock camping.
DIY plastic hardware such as clips, hooks, and locks will help your hammock camping gear stand up to the conditions of the location, ensure your outdoor gear work properly, and enhance the convenience of your trip.
We Offer Plastic Hardware for Your Camping Gear
There’s nothing worse than setting up your entire camp only to realize you don’t have an integral clip to hang your hammock. Without the proper plastic hammock hardware, you’re high-end hammock or tent could be rendered useless. But your equipment needs don’t end with plastic hardware for hammocks — having the right gear for your tents, backpacks, tarps, and more will help you weather the conditions and make the most out of your trip.
We provide plastic hardware for your outdoor gear like:Â
- Clip-On Tarp Pullouts:Â Give your tarp more room and prevent your pole from ripping your tent with this uniquely designed piece of plastic hardware.Â
- Aerohead Niteshade:Â Create glow-in-the-dark zipper pulls to easily see and use zippers at night, perfect for backpacks, clothes, tents, and more.
- Clip Hooks: Keep your cords organized and well-managed on a variety of equipment, such as packs and quilts.
Why Buy Your Camping Hardware From DutchWare?
Our goal is to help you create the ideal camping trip that you’ll never forget. When you shop with us, you’ll experience fast shipping so you can start assembling your DIY camping gear as soon as possible. Each product is created by dependable manufacturers. If you aren’t fully satisfied, we’ll accept your unused product return hassle-free.
At DutchWare, we offer a variety of plastic hardware for tents, hammocks, and other essential equipment. Our hardware is durable yet lightweight, perfect for long treks and extended trips in the wilderness. Our DIY plastic hardware will ensure that your hammock camping trip goes off without a hitch!
Browse our catalog and find the right outdoor gear for your trip!