Fabric Samples

Fabrics for Outdoor Gear(13) [+]
Fabric Samples(13)
Make Your Gear(13)
$6 — $13

Outdoor Gear Fabric Samples

When creating your outdoor gear for your next camping trip, you want to use materials that fit your preferences and style. We offer convenient outdoor gear sample fabrics to help your search. Each of our packs comes with a 4-inch by 4-inch square with every color option included. 

Our Most Popular Fabric Samples

The sample packs that we offer at DutchWare show you the weight, feel, durability, and flexibility it will provide. The most common sample packs we offer include: 

  • Argon 90 Samples: This cutting-edge nylon quilt material is designed to stand up to wind and shed water while being incredibly breathable.
  • Hexon 1.6 Samples: With an innovative ripstop grid to withstand significant wear and tear, this hammock fabric sample is an outstanding option made from Nylon 6.6 and has a cotton-like feel.
  • Sil Nylon Samples: This nonbreathable, waterproof outdoor fabric sample is an ultralight option made with 20 denier and weighs 1.36 ounces per square yard.
  • Xenon Sil 1.1 Samples: An excellent material for your tarp or tent projects, this wilderness fabric sample is waterproof up to 4500mm head pressure with minimal stretch capabilities.

Buy one of our outdoor fabric samples and find out if it’s right for you!